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How to install Xdebug extension on macOS Big Sur

Xdebug extension is essential for debugging PHP project and in this post, we are going to show how to install it along with PHP 8 on macOS Big Sur

3 years ago

12 mins read


The Xdebug PHP extension is essential for debugging PHP projects and in this post, we'll learn how to install it on the macOS system.

If you have not installed the latest version of PHP do refer to this post on How to install PHP 8 on macOS Big Sur using Homebrew. Otherwise, if you have different PHP versions for your different projects, do refer to this post on How to easily switch between PHP versions on macOS?

Check if Xdebug is present

To check if Xdebug is present you can check it through the PHP version.
php -v
By right, if it's present then it will be printed on the terminal following the PHP version information.

Installing Xdebug Extension

To install the extension we'll be using the PECL command and the command is as follow.
pecl install xdebug
php -v
By right the output will be displayed after the PHP info with the Xdebug extension at the end of the line.

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