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5 productivity tool for MacOS users

Be more productive starting from today with these 5 tools

10 mins


4 years ago



Most of the tasks that we have to perform can be automated nowadays but many people still don't know how to efficiently / effectively make use of some of the tools available. In this post, you'll learn the tools that you need to be more productive and get the most out of it.


Notion which has a tag line of "One tool for your whole team. Write, plan, and get organized." is the first productivity tool that I would recommend for everyone. This tool is cross-platform and I use it on the browser, macOS, and Windows system as well as Android phones. It works well and you can use it almost anywhere where the internet is available. They have many pre-made templates and integrations that you can connect to and since using it, it has boosted my productivity by multiple folds.


The second productivity tools would be Magnet. This tool allows us to organize our workspace or windows by resizing it to the however screen size you would like. They have predefined keyboard shortcuts that are used to organize the workspace into any size we want it to be.


The third tool on the list is MindNode and this allows us to create a mind map and brainstorm ideas easily and interactively. It comes with many features that make it almost the same as doing traditional mind mapping and brainstorming ideas.


Alfred is the next productivity tool in the list and it allows us to create a predefined command that we can execute at ease. This tool can be programmed and with a key combination that we have defined, we can automate things that may be repeatable to do.


Finally, Editing an image can be a bit handful sometimes and with Pixelmator, you can edit an image with ease. They allow you to enhance, touch up photos, sketch, draw, paint adding more effect, and much more with Pixelmator.
There are many more tools out there and we might write another post for that but if you have any suggestions of any tools that made you very productive, do let us know and comment it below.
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Week-end developer currently experimenting with web, mobile, and all things programming.

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