Home / Components / Alert Components / Tailwind CSS Basic Ratings Component

Tailwind CSS Basic Ratings Component

Tailwind CSS Basic rating component is suitable to display user satisfaction over the content/elements on your website

<div class="flex justify-center bg-white p-8 shadow-lg shadow-slate-200 rounded-lg w-auto space-x-1 lg:space-x-2">
	<svg class="text-yellow-400 w-6 h-auto fill-current" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 576 512">
	  <path d="M287.9 0C297.1 0 305.5 5.25 309.5 13.52L378.1 154.8L531.4 177.5C540.4 178.8 547.8 185.1 550.7 193.7C553.5 202.4 551.2 211.9 544.8 218.2L433.6 328.4L459.9 483.9C461.4 492.9 457.7 502.1 450.2 507.4C442.8 512.7 432.1 513.4 424.9 509.1L287.9 435.9L150.1 509.1C142.9 513.4 133.1 512.7 125.6 507.4C118.2 502.1 114.5 492.9 115.1 483.9L142.2 328.4L31.11 218.2C24.65 211.9 22.36 202.4 25.2 193.7C28.03 185.1 35.5 178.8 44.49 177.5L197.7 154.8L266.3 13.52C270.4 5.249 278.7 0 287.9 0L287.9 0zM287.9 78.95L235.4 187.2C231.9 194.3 225.1 199.3 217.3 200.5L98.98 217.9L184.9 303C190.4 308.5 192.9 316.4 191.6 324.1L171.4 443.7L276.6 387.5C283.7 383.7 292.2 383.7 299.2 387.5L404.4 443.7L384.2 324.1C382.9 316.4 385.5 308.5 391 303L476.9 217.9L358.6 200.5C350.7 199.3 343.9 194.3 340.5 187.2L287.9 78.95z"/>

	<svg class="text-yellow-400 w-6 h-auto fill-current" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 576 512">
	  <path d="M287.9 0C297.1 0 305.5 5.25 309.5 13.52L378.1 154.8L531.4 177.5C540.4 178.8 547.8 185.1 550.7 193.7C553.5 202.4 551.2 211.9 544.8 218.2L433.6 328.4L459.9 483.9C461.4 492.9 457.7 502.1 450.2 507.4C442.8 512.7 432.1 513.4 424.9 509.1L287.9 435.9L150.1 509.1C142.9 513.4 133.1 512.7 125.6 507.4C118.2 502.1 114.5 492.9 115.1 483.9L142.2 328.4L31.11 218.2C24.65 211.9 22.36 202.4 25.2 193.7C28.03 185.1 35.5 178.8 44.49 177.5L197.7 154.8L266.3 13.52C270.4 5.249 278.7 0 287.9 0L287.9 0zM287.9 78.95L235.4 187.2C231.9 194.3 225.1 199.3 217.3 200.5L98.98 217.9L184.9 303C190.4 308.5 192.9 316.4 191.6 324.1L171.4 443.7L276.6 387.5C283.7 383.7 292.2 383.7 299.2 387.5L404.4 443.7L384.2 324.1C382.9 316.4 385.5 308.5 391 303L476.9 217.9L358.6 200.5C350.7 199.3 343.9 194.3 340.5 187.2L287.9 78.95z"/>

	<svg class="text-yellow-400 w-6 h-auto fill-current" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 576 512">
	  <path d="M287.9 0C297.1 0 305.5 5.25 309.5 13.52L378.1 154.8L531.4 177.5C540.4 178.8 547.8 185.1 550.7 193.7C553.5 202.4 551.2 211.9 544.8 218.2L433.6 328.4L459.9 483.9C461.4 492.9 457.7 502.1 450.2 507.4C442.8 512.7 432.1 513.4 424.9 509.1L287.9 435.9L150.1 509.1C142.9 513.4 133.1 512.7 125.6 507.4C118.2 502.1 114.5 492.9 115.1 483.9L142.2 328.4L31.11 218.2C24.65 211.9 22.36 202.4 25.2 193.7C28.03 185.1 35.5 178.8 44.49 177.5L197.7 154.8L266.3 13.52C270.4 5.249 278.7 0 287.9 0L287.9 0zM287.9 78.95L235.4 187.2C231.9 194.3 225.1 199.3 217.3 200.5L98.98 217.9L184.9 303C190.4 308.5 192.9 316.4 191.6 324.1L171.4 443.7L276.6 387.5C283.7 383.7 292.2 383.7 299.2 387.5L404.4 443.7L384.2 324.1C382.9 316.4 385.5 308.5 391 303L476.9 217.9L358.6 200.5C350.7 199.3 343.9 194.3 340.5 187.2L287.9 78.95z"/>

	<svg class="text-yellow-400 w-6 h-auto fill-current" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 576 512">
	  <path d="M287.9 0C297.1 0 305.5 5.25 309.5 13.52L378.1 154.8L531.4 177.5C540.4 178.8 547.8 185.1 550.7 193.7C553.5 202.4 551.2 211.9 544.8 218.2L433.6 328.4L459.9 483.9C461.4 492.9 457.7 502.1 450.2 507.4C442.8 512.7 432.1 513.4 424.9 509.1L287.9 435.9L150.1 509.1C142.9 513.4 133.1 512.7 125.6 507.4C118.2 502.1 114.5 492.9 115.1 483.9L142.2 328.4L31.11 218.2C24.65 211.9 22.36 202.4 25.2 193.7C28.03 185.1 35.5 178.8 44.49 177.5L197.7 154.8L266.3 13.52C270.4 5.249 278.7 0 287.9 0L287.9 0zM287.9 78.95L235.4 187.2C231.9 194.3 225.1 199.3 217.3 200.5L98.98 217.9L184.9 303C190.4 308.5 192.9 316.4 191.6 324.1L171.4 443.7L276.6 387.5C283.7 383.7 292.2 383.7 299.2 387.5L404.4 443.7L384.2 324.1C382.9 316.4 385.5 308.5 391 303L476.9 217.9L358.6 200.5C350.7 199.3 343.9 194.3 340.5 187.2L287.9 78.95z"/>

	<svg class="text-yellow-400 w-6 h-auto fill-current" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 576 512">
	  <path d="M287.9 0C297.1 0 305.5 5.25 309.5 13.52L378.1 154.8L531.4 177.5C540.4 178.8 547.8 185.1 550.7 193.7C553.5 202.4 551.2 211.9 544.8 218.2L433.6 328.4L459.9 483.9C461.4 492.9 457.7 502.1 450.2 507.4C442.8 512.7 432.1 513.4 424.9 509.1L287.9 435.9L150.1 509.1C142.9 513.4 133.1 512.7 125.6 507.4C118.2 502.1 114.5 492.9 115.1 483.9L142.2 328.4L31.11 218.2C24.65 211.9 22.36 202.4 25.2 193.7C28.03 185.1 35.5 178.8 44.49 177.5L197.7 154.8L266.3 13.52C270.4 5.249 278.7 0 287.9 0L287.9 0zM287.9 78.95L235.4 187.2C231.9 194.3 225.1 199.3 217.3 200.5L98.98 217.9L184.9 303C190.4 308.5 192.9 316.4 191.6 324.1L171.4 443.7L276.6 387.5C283.7 383.7 292.2 383.7 299.2 387.5L404.4 443.7L384.2 324.1C382.9 316.4 385.5 308.5 391 303L476.9 217.9L358.6 200.5C350.7 199.3 343.9 194.3 340.5 187.2L287.9 78.95z"/>

2 years ago


How to install and add to your project?

Step 1: Include Scripts and Styling CDN inside the head tag

<script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/charts.css/dist/charts.min.css">
<script defer src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/cdn.min.js"></script>

Step 2: Copy the Tailwind CSS Basic Ratings Component component code above as you need it

Step 3: Preview the component in your browser 🚀

Step 4: For production release make sure to use the official Tailwind CSS Installation

You are done 🎉

Credits or Attribution

If you enjoy using our components, please do give us (PostSrc) credit in your project footer section or about page. Copy the HTML below for attribution.

<a href="https://postsrc.com/components" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="PostSrc Components - Collection of Tailwind CSS components for everyone to use"><img style="width: auto; height: 46px;" src="https://postsrc.com/img/attr.png" alt="PostSrc logo"></a>

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