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Tailwind CSS Navbar Component

Tailwind CSS elegant navbar component

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24.0672 128.848 24.4272C130.48 24.7152 131.968 24.8352 131.968 25.9392C131.968 26.7312 131.224 27.1632 130.048 27.1632C128.752 27.1632 127.936 26.5632 127.792 25.3392H124.096C124.216 28.0512 126.472 29.7072 130.072 29.7072Z" class="cneutral" fill="#2F234F"></path> <path d="M140.978 29.6832C142.682 29.6832 143.762 29.0112 144.65 27.8112H144.722V29.3232H148.466V17.0352H144.554V23.8992C144.554 25.3632 143.738 26.3712 142.394 26.3712C141.146 26.3712 140.546 25.6272 140.546 24.2832V17.0352H136.658V25.0992C136.658 27.8352 138.146 29.6832 140.978 29.6832Z" class="cneutral" fill="#2F234F"></path> <path d="M150.168 29.3232H154.08V22.4352C154.08 20.9712 154.8 19.9392 156.024 19.9392C157.2 19.9392 157.752 20.7072 157.752 22.0272V29.3232H161.664V22.4352C161.664 20.9712 162.36 19.9392 163.608 19.9392C164.784 19.9392 165.336 20.7072 165.336 22.0272V29.3232H169.248V21.3312C169.248 18.5712 167.856 16.6752 165.072 16.6752C163.488 16.6752 162.168 17.3472 161.208 18.8352H161.16C160.536 17.5152 159.312 16.6752 157.704 16.6752C155.928 16.6752 154.752 17.5152 153.984 18.7872H153.912V17.0352H150.168V29.3232Z" class="cneutral" fill="#2F234F"></path> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M20.1014 40.3232C31.1472 40.3232 40.1014 31.3689 40.1014 20.3232C40.1014 9.27754 31.1472 0.323242 20.1014 0.323242C9.05573 0.323242 0.10144 9.27754 0.10144 20.3232C0.10144 31.3689 9.05573 40.3232 20.1014 40.3232ZM23.1884 15.7758C24.8932 14.0709 24.8932 11.3068 23.1884 9.6019C21.4835 7.89702 18.7194 7.89702 17.0145 9.6019C15.3097 11.3068 15.3097 14.0709 17.0145 15.7758L20.1014 18.8627L23.1884 15.7758ZM24.6489 23.4102C26.3538 25.1151 29.1179 25.1151 30.8228 23.4102C32.5276 21.7053 32.5276 18.9412 30.8228 17.2363C29.1179 15.5315 26.3538 15.5315 24.6489 17.2363L21.562 20.3233L24.6489 23.4102ZM23.1884 31.0446C24.8932 29.3397 24.8932 26.5756 23.1884 24.8707L20.1014 21.7838L17.0145 24.8707C15.3097 26.5756 15.3097 29.3397 17.0145 31.0446C18.7194 32.7495 21.4835 32.7495 23.1884 31.0446ZM9.38007 23.4102C7.67523 21.7053 7.67523 18.9412 9.38007 17.2363C11.085 15.5315 13.8491 15.5315 15.554 17.2363L18.6409 20.3233L15.554 23.4102C13.8491 25.1151 11.085 25.1151 9.38007 23.4102Z" class="ccustom" fill="#7F57F1"></path> </svg>
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                            <span class="uppercase text-sm">JP</span>

2 years ago


How to install and add to your project?

Step 1: Include Scripts and Styling CDN inside the head tag

<script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/charts.css/dist/charts.min.css">
<script defer src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/cdn.min.js"></script>

Step 2: Copy the Tailwind CSS Navbar Component component code above as you need it

Step 3: Preview the component in your browser 🚀

Step 4: For production release make sure to use the official Tailwind CSS Installation

You are done 🎉

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<a href="https://postsrc.com/components" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="PostSrc Components - Collection of Tailwind CSS components for everyone to use"><img style="width: auto; height: 46px;" src="https://postsrc.com/img/attr.png" alt="PostSrc logo"></a>

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