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Tailwind CSS Basic Filter

<div class="w-full md:w-2/3 shadow p-5 rounded-lg bg-white">
  <div class="relative">
	<div class="absolute flex items-center ml-2 h-full">
	  <svg class="w-4 h-4 fill-current text-primary-gray-dark" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
		<path d="M15.8898 15.0493L11.8588 11.0182C11.7869 10.9463 11.6932 10.9088 11.5932 10.9088H11.2713C12.3431 9.74952 12.9994 8.20272 12.9994 6.49968C12.9994 2.90923 10.0901 0 6.49968 0C2.90923 0 0 2.90923 0 6.49968C0 10.0901 2.90923 12.9994 6.49968 12.9994C8.20272 12.9994 9.74952 12.3431 10.9088 11.2744V11.5932C10.9088 11.6932 10.9495 11.7869 11.0182 11.8588L15.0493 15.8898C15.1961 16.0367 15.4336 16.0367 15.5805 15.8898L15.8898 15.5805C16.0367 15.4336 16.0367 15.1961 15.8898 15.0493ZM6.49968 11.9994C3.45921 11.9994 0.999951 9.54016 0.999951 6.49968C0.999951 3.45921 3.45921 0.999951 6.49968 0.999951C9.54016 0.999951 11.9994 3.45921 11.9994 6.49968C11.9994 9.54016 9.54016 11.9994 6.49968 11.9994Z"></path>

	<input type="text" placeholder="Search by listing, location, bedroom number..." class="px-8 py-3 w-full rounded-md bg-gray-100 border-transparent focus:border-gray-500 focus:bg-white focus:ring-0 text-sm">

	<div class="flex items-center justify-between mt-4">
	  <p class="font-medium">

	  <button class="px-4 py-2 bg-gray-100 hover:bg-gray-200 text-gray-800 text-sm font-medium rounded-md">
		Reset Filter

	  <div class="grid grid-cols-2 md:grid-cols-3 xl:grid-cols-4 gap-4 mt-4">
		<select class="px-4 py-3 w-full rounded-md bg-gray-100 border-transparent focus:border-gray-500 focus:bg-white focus:ring-0 text-sm">
		  <option value="">All Type</option>
		  <option value="for-rent">For Rent</option>
		  <option value="for-sale">For Sale</option>

		<select class="px-4 py-3 w-full rounded-md bg-gray-100 border-transparent focus:border-gray-500 focus:bg-white focus:ring-0 text-sm">
		  <option value="">Furnish Type</option>
		  <option value="fully-furnished">Fully Furnished</option>
		  <option value="partially-furnished">Partially Furnished</option>
		  <option value="not-furnished">Not Furnished</option>

		<select class="px-4 py-3 w-full rounded-md bg-gray-100 border-transparent focus:border-gray-500 focus:bg-white focus:ring-0 text-sm">
		  <option value="">Any Price</option>
		  <option value="1000">RM 1000</option>
		  <option value="2000">RM 2000</option>
		  <option value="3000">RM 3000</option>
		  <option value="4000">RM 4000</option>

		<select class="px-4 py-3 w-full rounded-md bg-gray-100 border-transparent focus:border-gray-500 focus:bg-white focus:ring-0 text-sm">
		  <option value="">Floor Area</option>
		  <option value="200">200 sq.ft</option>
		  <option value="400">400 sq.ft</option>
		  <option value="600">600 sq.ft</option>
		  <option value="800 sq.ft">800</option>
		  <option value="1000 sq.ft">1000</option>
		  <option value="1200 sq.ft">1200</option>

		<select class="px-4 py-3 w-full rounded-md bg-gray-100 border-transparent focus:border-gray-500 focus:bg-white focus:ring-0 text-sm">
		  <option value="">Bedrooms</option>
		  <option value="1">1 bedroom</option>
		  <option value="2">2 bedrooms</option>
		  <option value="3">3 bedrooms</option>
		  <option value="4">4 bedrooms</option>
		  <option value="5">5 bedrooms</option>

		<select class="px-4 py-3 w-full rounded-md bg-gray-100 border-transparent focus:border-gray-500 focus:bg-white focus:ring-0 text-sm">
		  <option value="">Bathrooms</option>
		  <option value="1">1 bathroom</option>
		  <option value="2">2 bathrooms</option>
		  <option value="3">3 bathrooms</option>
		  <option value="4">4 bathrooms</option>
		  <option value="5">5 bathrooms</option>

		<select class="px-4 py-3 w-full rounded-md bg-gray-100 border-transparent focus:border-gray-500 focus:bg-white focus:ring-0 text-sm">
		  <option value="">Bathrooms</option>
		  <option value="1">1 space</option>
		  <option value="2">2 space</option>
		  <option value="3">3 space</option>

Collection of Tailwind CSS Basic Filter

[email protected] 11588 views

How to install and add to your project?

Step 1: Include Scripts and Styling CDN inside the head tag

<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script defer src="[email protected]/dist/cdn.min.js"></script>

Step 2: Copy the Tailwind CSS Basic Filter component code above as you need it

Step 3: Preview the component in your browser 🚀

Step 4: For production release make sure to use the official Tailwind CSS Installation

You are done 🎉

Credits or Attribution

If you enjoy using our components, please do give us (PostSrc) credit in your project footer section or about page. Copy the HTML below for attribution.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="PostSrc Components - Collection of Tailwind CSS components for everyone to use"><img style="width: auto; height: 46px;" src="" alt="PostSrc logo"></a>

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