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Sort Model by Day (Monday to Sunday) in Laravel

Learn how to sort model by day using the sortBy() method to get value from "Monday" to "Sunday"

Created on Aug 01, 2021


To sort model by day (Monday to Sunday) you can make use of the "sortBy()" method which returns the day constant from 0 to 6 by using the Carbon\Carbon constant day value.

Assuming that you want to sort the "Article" model like below, you can perform the query as follows.

use App\Models\Article;

$data = Article::query()
    ->sortBy(function ($article) {
        # assuming $article->day return "Monday", "Tuesday" and etc
        return constant('\Carbon\Carbon::' . strtoupper($article->day));

Using the arrow function can be like below.

use App\Models\Article;

$data = Article::query()
    ->sortBy(function ($article) => constant('\Carbon\Carbon::' . strtoupper($article->day)))

Do not that the code above will return the value in a Sunday to Saturday order. If you want them ordered Monday to Sunday, you're going to need to tweak it a little.

use App\Models\Article;

$data = Article::query()
    ->sortBy(function ($article) => (6 + constant('\Carbon\Carbon::'.strtoupper($job->day))) % 7)

Now you will get the order from "Monday" to "Sunday".

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