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Setting up Mailpit for Laravel 10 Development

Get up and running with Mailpit for local Laravel development as an alternative to Mailtrap with ease

Created on Jul 11, 2023


It's been a while everyone! In this short snippet, we'll be going through on setting up Mailpit for Laravel 10 development. Let's get started.

What is Mailpit?

"Mailpit is a multi-platform email testing tool & API for developers. It acts as both an SMTP server and provides a web interface to view all captured emails. It also contains an API for automated integration testing."

Install Mailpit via HomeBrew

To install Mailpit on macOS you can use HomeBrew. First, tap in to "axllent/apps".
brew tap axllent/apps

Then you can run the following command to install Mailpit
brew install mailpit

Install Mailpit with Curl for Mac or Linux

If you are not using HomeBrew you can make use of the "curl" command which also supports Linux.
sudo bash < <(curl -sL

Install from Release for All Platform

Other than the 2 installation methods above, you may also download the release and install it. Mailpit from release.

Update environment file for Laravel

Finally you need to update the Laravel environment configuration as follows.
MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS="[email protected]"

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