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Setting up Laravel 10 Development for new Mac User 2023


1 year ago


In this short snippet we'll walk you through the ways to setup Laravel 10 Development environment for new Mac User 2023. Let's get started!

Install the required dependency

Install the required dependency as follows. These are required for Laravel Valet and any normal Laravel project.
brew install php
brew install [email protected]
brew install nginx
brew install dnsmasq
brew install caddy
brew install redis
brew install composer
brew install meilisearch

Install Laravel Installer and Valet Globally

Get the Laravel Installer and Laravel Valet by installing it globally with composer
composer global require laravel/installer

composer global require laravel/valet

Export PHP Vendor Bin

Export PHP vendor bin in .zshrc or .bashrc file.
export PATH=$PATH:~/.composer/vendor/bin

Switch PHP version

With Laravel Valet installed you can swith PHP version easily by using the following command.
valet use [email protected]

valet use php

Install PHP Redis Extension

To install PHP extension you can make use of pecl. In this case you can install the PHP Redis extension as follows.
pecl search redis
pecl install redis

Running Meilisearch

If you are using Meilisearch for Laravel you can start it running locally with the command like below.
meilisearch --master-key PNc4XN86dIslXd_nVdDg8nIG12-RsdpGQPxaIxWC1WE


If you want to use MySQL or Postgresql then it's recommended to use DBNgin as it's easy GUI to add new DB, Update DB and Remove DB.

That's all for now, Cheers, hope it helps!
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Week-end developer currently experimenting with web, mobile, and all things programming.






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