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React Redux In A Nutshell


2 years ago


  • We can create a Redux store using the Redux Toolkit configureStore API
    • configureStore accepts a reducer function as a named argument
    • configureStore automatically sets up the store with good default settings
  • Redux logic is typically organized into files called "slices"
    • A "slice" contains the reducer logic and actions related to a specific feature/section of the Redux state
    • Redux Toolkit's createSlice API generates action creators and action types for each individual reducer function you provide
  • Redux reducers must follow specific rules
    • Should only calculate a new state value based on the state and action arguments
    • Must make immutable updates by copying the existing state
    • Cannot contain any asynchronous logic or other "side effects"
    • Redux Toolkit's createSlice API uses Immer to allow "mutating" immutable updates
  • Async logic is typically written in special functions called "thunks"
    • Thunks receive dispatch and getState as arguments
    • Redux Toolkit enables the redux-thunk middleware by default
  • React-Redux allows React components to interact with a Redux store
    • Wrapping the app with <Provider store={store}> enables all components to use the store
    • The global state should go in the Redux store, local state should stay in React components

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Week-end developer currently experimenting with web, mobile, and all things programming.






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