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Laravel Inertia SEO Optimisation Component

Get to know the way to enhance your Laravel Inertia application by implemnting Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and get more traffic for your website

Created on Jul 25, 2022


In this snippet, you will learn the way to enhance your SEO for your Laravel Inertia project.

Step 1: Define AppHead Component for Laravel Livewire

This step will require you to create a new component and it will be called "AppHead.vue" and you can place it within the "components" directory.
<script setup>
import {Head} from "@inertiajs/inertia-vue3";

export default {
    props: {
        pageTitle: String,
        url: String,
        description: String,
        cover: String,

        <title>{{ pageTitle }}</title>

        <meta :content="pageTitle" name="title"/>
        <meta :content="description" name="description"/>

        <meta content="website" property="og:type"/>
        <meta :content="url" property="og:url"/>
        <meta :content="pageTitle" property="og:title"/>
        <meta :content="description" property="og:description"/>
        <meta v-if="cover" :content="cover" property="og:image">

        <meta content="summary_large_image" property="twitter:card"/>
        <meta :content="url" property="twitter:url"/>
        <meta :content="pageTitle" property="twitter:title"/>
        <meta :content="description" property="twitter:description"/>
        <meta v-if="cover" :content="cover" property="twitter:image">

This is very important to note that all of the following meta attributes must be within the "Head" tag imported from the "inertia-vue3".
import {Head} from "@inertiajs/inertia-vue3";

It's also important to define the props which will accept pageTitle, url, description and cover.
export default {
    props: {
        pageTitle: String,
        url: String,
        description: String,
        cover: String,

Step 2: Call the Component from your Individual Inertia Pages

This is straight forward and all you need is to import the component and then reference it in the template syntax.
    description="Your long description here"
    pageTitle="Page Title here"
Do note that you will need this on all your pages to get all the SEO benefits. Hope this help, cheers!

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