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Laravel Custom Command Console Color


3 years ago


To create a custom artisan command in Laravel, you can make use of the "php artisan make:command [your-command-name]" command. This command accepts the name that describes the command. Imagine creating a command called "Inspire" below is how you generate it.
php artisan make:command Inspire
The class that will be generated will be as follows.

namespace App\Console\Commands;

use Illuminate\Console\Command;

class Inspire extends Command
     * The name and signature of the console command.
     * @var string
    protected $signature = 'command:name';

     * The console command description.
     * @var string
    protected $description = 'Command description';

     * Create a new command instance.
     * @return void
    public function __construct()

     * Execute the console command.
     * @return int
    public function handle()
        return 0;

Custom Console Color

It's very easy to define a custom console command with different colors and below are the available colors that you can print out to the terminal when running the custom console command.
// Default color
$this->line('This is a line');

// Yellow collor
$this->warn('This is a warning');
$this->comment('This is a comment');

// White text on red background
$this->error('This is an error');

// Black text on cyan background
$this->question('This is a question');

// Green color
$this->info('This is some info');
You can call the method above within the handle function and it's defined like below.
/* other codes ommited */
public function handle()
    $this->info('You are running the Inspire command');

    $this->comment('Performing some processing here');

    $this->info('The command has been successfully executed');

    return 0;

More Colors Options

You can define more colors using the abbreviation of "bg" which stands for background and "fg" which stands for the foreground. The available colors that you can pick from any of the following colors: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, default.
$this->line('<bg=black>Your message here</>');
$this->line('<fg=green>Your message here</>');
$this->line('<bg=red;fg=yellow>Your message here</>');
$this->line('<bg=red;fg=yellow>Your message here</>');

More Font Style Options

For the font style, you can use the following options: bold, underscore, blink, reverse, and conceal for the font style.
$this->line("<options=bold;fg=red>Your message here</>");
$this->line("<options=bold;fg=red>Your message here</>");
$this->line("<options=underscore;bg=cyan;fg=blue>Your message here</>");
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Week-end developer currently experimenting with web, mobile, and all things programming.






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