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How to Write PHP Code inside of Laravel Blade Template

Learn how to write PHP code in Laravel blade to compute your logic

Created on Jun 29, 2021


Sometimes you might want to write PHP code inside the blade template itself to process some logic or just parse some data in general. To do that there are 2 ways.

Using Regular PHP Tags
The first way is to use regular starting and closing PHP tags like traditionally how it's written.
# views/partials/navbar.blade.php

    $navLinks = [
        'Home' => route('pages.home'),
        'Contact' => route(''),
        'About' => route('pages.about'),

    @foreach($navLinks as $name => $link)
        <a href="{{ $link }}">{{ $name }}</a>

Using Blade Directive
The second way is to use PHP directive and it starts with @php and ends with @endphp
# views/partials/navbar.blade.php

    $navLinks = [
        'Home' => route('pages.home'),
        'Contact' => route(''),
        'About' => route('pages.about'),

    @foreach($navLinks as $name => $link)
        <a href="{{ $link }}">{{ $name }}</a>

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