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How to Rendered Blade View as a String in Laravel

Learn how to render the a blade view into a string within the backend code of Laravel application

Created on Aug 23, 2021


In this short snippet, you will learn how to render a blade view into a string from within the backend of Laravel application. This allows you to generate the HTML code in advance which you can return separately to the front end.

Laravel Controller Return View

The typical way of returning the view form controller method in Laravel look as follows.
<?php // PostController.php

public function show() {
  return view('', ['post' => Post::first()]);

Laravel Controller Render View Beforehand

To render the view beforehand you can call the "render()" method available from the "view()" helper method. By calling the render method you will instruct Laravel to render the code beforehand and you can store it as a variable.
<?php // PostController.php

public function show() {
  $partialView = view('partial.some-view', ['post' => Post::first()])->render();

  // do whatever you want with the code

  return view('', ['post' => Post::first(), 'partialView' => $partialView]);
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