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How to Order Laravel Eloquent Records

Learn how to order Laravel Eloquent records the easy way and get your data sorted in an "ascending" or "descending" order

Created on Oct 14, 2021


In this short snippet, you will learn how to order your Laravel Eloquent records in an "ascending" or "descending" order so let's get started.

Laravel Order By One Column

To order by using one column you can call the "orderBy()" method and passing in the "column" to order. By default, this will order it in an "Ascending" order. Do refer the code below for this example.

To set the order by descending you can write your code like the following.

    ->orderBy('published_at', 'desc')

// For an alternative you can make use the "orderByDesc" method.
    ->orderByDesc('published_at', 'desc')

Laravel Order By Two Column

To order by two columns or more you can just chain the method like below.

    ->orderBy('published_at', 'desc') // DESC
    ->orderBy('user_id') // ASC

// For an alternative you can make use the "orderByDesc" method.
    ->orderByDesc('published_at', 'desc') // DESC
    ->orderBy('user_id') // ASC

Order By The Eloquent Collection

If you already get the eloquent collection such as by using "all()" and then chaining it with the "sortBy()" method. Do note that this sorting is less efficient than calling the "orderBy" method available to the Query Builder.

// Sort post in ascending order of title
$results = Posts::query()

// Sort post in descending order of title
$results = Posts::query()

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