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How to Install MariaDB on macOS Monterey

Learn how to install the latest version of MariaDB on macOS Monterey using our easy to follow steps by steps guides

Created on Dec 07, 2021


In this short snippet, you will learn how to install MariaDB on the latest macOS version of writing which is Monterey. The steps are very simple so let's get started.

Step 1: Get Homebrew Package Manager

First, you will need to have Homebrew which is the missing package for macOS. If you don't have Homebrew you can install it using the command below.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Step 2: Update Homebrew Repository

Before installing anything, you have to update the homebrew repository first to get all of the latest packages.
brew update

Step 3: Install MariaDB

To install MariaDB you need to use the "brew install" command and do refer to the other commands to install different version numbers.
brew install mariadb
By default, it will install the latest version of MariaDB so if you do prefer an older version then you can specify the version after the name ([email protected]). To get the whole version available you can search it using the brew command.
brew search mariadb

Step 4: Start MariaDB

Now you can start MariaDB using the "brew services" command and also perform some other actions such as stop, get the running status and restart.
brew services start mariadb
brew services restart mariadb
brew servies stop mariadb

Step 5: Access MariaDB from Terminal

To test and access MariaDB from the terminal you can use the "mysql" command. If you do use GUI then we do recommend using Tableplus for that.
mysql -u root -p
By now you should have MariaDB running on your macOS Monterey! Cheers and happy SQL-ing.

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