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How to Generate Master Key for MeiliSearch

Learn how to generate master key for MeiliSearch to protect all routes for better security

Created on Sep 20, 2021


In this short snippet, you'll learn the ways to generate Master Key for MeiliSearch and below are the steps that you can follow.

Simple And Free

Below are 4 of the free methods to generate MeiliSearch Master Key.

Method 1: shasum

The first method is to use the "shasum" command available from the terminal.
perl -e "print qw(abc)" | shasum -a 256

Method 2: uuidgen

The second method is to use "uuidgen" and this is a command that you can run from the terminal.
By default, if you are on the macOS and Unix-like operating system you can run this command directly from the terminal. If it's not then you can install it using the "apt" package manager.
sudo apt install uuid-runtime

Method 3: Random Keygen

Another approach is to use Random Keygen and make use of the keys for the "CodeIgniter Encryption Keys".
Randon Keygen CodeIgniter Keygen

Method 4: openssl rand

openssl rand -hex 20

Other Consideration

Below are some of the other ways you can generate it but it's a paid product.

Method 5: 1password

1password also can generate an excellent master key but it's paid so if you are not using 1password then the free one will be sufficient.

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