Simple And Free
Below are 4 of the free methods to generate MeiliSearch Master Key.
Method 1: shasum
The first method is to use the "shasum" command available from the terminal.
perl -e "print qw(abc)" | shasum -a 256
Method 2: uuidgen
The second method is to use "uuidgen" and this is a command that you can run from the terminal.
sudo apt install uuid-runtime
Method 3: Random Keygen
Another approach is to use Random Keygen and make use of the keys for the "CodeIgniter Encryption Keys".

Method 4: openssl rand
openssl rand -hex 20
Other Consideration
Below are some of the other ways you can generate it but it's a paid product.
Method 5: 1password
1password also can generate an excellent master key but it's paid so if you are not using 1password then the free one will be sufficient.
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