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How to Check if Model Doesn't Have Relation in Laravel

Learn How to Check if Model Doesn't Have Relation in Laravel

Created on Jul 23, 2021


To check whether a model has a relation or not in Laravel, you can make use of the "has()" and "doesntHave()" methods available to every Laravel model.

Check Model has() Relation
To check if a model has a relation you can make use of this method like below. Imagine you want to know whether a post has a comment, if it does then eager load it together.

$postHaveComments = Post::has('comments')

Check Model doesntHave Relation
To check if a model doesn't have a relation, then you can write it like below. The query will return only the model that doesn't have a comments.

$postHasNoComments = Post::doesntHave('comments')

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